Shops at TRAM d’Alacant

Stations are not just passageways. TRAM d’Alacant has equipped its stations with auxiliary services that help obtain a warmer, more comfortable environment and make your experience as pleasant as possible. For this purpose, it has commercial premises and certain service machines (photography, ATM, etc.)

Commercial spaces available and under evaluation in TRAM d’Alacant (1)


Location Size Monthly Fee / Status of the offer
Altea 42 m2 + terrace 720 €
Calp 17 m2 + terrace 415 €

(1) The contractor will be responsible for carrying out the refurbishment, improvement and maintenance of the premises and the contracting of the supply service connections (water, electricity, telephone, etc.) that are necessary for the operation of the business. You must also obtain the authorizations and permits for the exploitation of the activity and completion of the aforementioned works (technical and administrative clauses Exp. 20/038).


Commercial spaces occupied in TRAM d’Alacant

Location Business Type Size Expiration date
L’Alfàs del Pí Bar coffee shop 170 m2 + terrace 16/06/2025
Muchavista Bar coffee shop 105 m2 + terrace 31/12/2024
El Campello Bar coffee shop 120 m2 + terrace 27/06/2024
Dénia Bar coffee shop Delimited area on the ground floor station + front terrace cafe 01/10/2025
La Marina – Alicante Bar coffee shop 78 m2 + terrace 11/07/2025
Benidorm Coffee shop 74 m2 01/08/2027
Olla de Altea Construction offices 150 m2 + terrace 31/12/2024


On April 2020 the 1st, the tender of commercial premises was published in Ferrocarrils of the Generalitat Valenciana, FGV. You can find the conditions and specifications on this link.

For occupied premises, bids may be submitted up to three months before the expiry date of this contract.

If you need additional information you can send an email to this address..