22 of May of 2020

The main TRAM d’Alacant stations offer masks and hand sanitising gel in their vending machines

The main Metrovalencia and TRAM d’Alacant stations offer drinks, food, masks and hand sanitising gel in their vending machines. Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) has reached an agreement with the company Teika, which manages this service, to include these products in their range.

The Regional Minister of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility, Arcadi España, has stated that "with this measure we are making progress in the service provided by FGV to users and we are helping to guarantee health safety in the face of coronavirus, bearing in mind that the use of masks is obligatory on public transport".

Arcadi España has stressed that the Generalitat "is carrying out all those actions that improve the conditions for passengers so that their journeys on the metro or tram are as safe as possible and they have full confidence in this public transport".

Masks at 0.95 euros

The masks distributed are of two types, one of a surgical model, in individual wrapping, which costs 0.95 euros, and another of reusable material, which costs 3 euros per unit. Gel is sold in 100 ml containers for 3 euros.

The metro stations where these products are offered are, for the time being, Xàtiva, Colón and Àngel Guimerà, in Valencia. In Alicante, they have been installed in Mercado, Luceros and Benidorm.

FGV and Teika have announced that if the initiative is well received by passengers it will be extended to more stations. Teika is a food and coffee company with vending machines that operates in public and private buildings, where it serves different vending products.

Preventive measures

This initiative is in addition to those carried out by FGV to encourage the use of public transport according to the established prevention conditions, among which the mandatory use of masks on all journeys, under the conditions established by the health authorities, stands out.

In recent weeks, the strengthening of the surveillance system in trains and stations has been organized, with the collaboration of the Security Forces.

The public company also reminds users that hand sanitising gel dispensers are available at the entrances to the main

Metrovalencia and TRAM d’Alacant stations

In addition, FGV has signposted passenger itineraries in stations and on trains, and has differentiated the seats in an alternate manner, to facilitate the correct distribution of passengers and maintain a safe distance from other users.

FGV has established that the purchase of transport tickets at stations can only be done by credit card or ticket vending machines. Reports of lost objects, complaints and suggestions can also be made temporarily via the website or the App (download from Google Play or the Apple Store).

At the stations, users can contact FGV Customer Service staff through the intercoms located in the lobbies and on the platforms.


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